Speaking of cows… a few nights ago I set a trap for a cow. I saw where they were sneaking into the neighbor’s yard through a hole in the fence. We have suspicions about how the wire happened to be cut to create a hole but that was not really my concern. Since my cow painting a couple of weeks or so ago the perimeter of our yard was breached once more, but I could not catch them. Yet, I still long to paint another cow and figure that the neighbor’s yard is close enough, and he doesn’t want them in his yard either. So, I made a lasso from some rope I had and hung it onto the fence in such a way that the cow’s head would make it fall loose around the neck of the cow, thereby trapping it tied to the fence post.
I awoke to the sound of mooing about 1:30 in the morning and went out to investigate. WooHoo, it worked! I saw the cow laying quietly next to the fence post with several other cows gathered around it. I threw on some shorts, grabbed the bag of spray paint and went out to check out my new canvas.
As I slowly approached, the cow lept to it’s hooves, ran about 3 feet and jumped over the fence! As I moved back through the fence to the other side, the cow pushed through the fence back to the other side. I moved back through the fence to the first side and then the cow jumped back over the fence again. This had the effect of now tangling this poor cow up in fencing and rope to the point I was worried it was going to choke to death! Although it’s head was somewhat stationary the rest of the mammoth sized body was bucking around as it bleated away in a strangled cry. If I got hit by this mass of flesh it would be like being hit by a car. Two images went through my mind, 1) a dead cow, strangled to death with my rope. 2) this creature dealing me a crushing blow leaving me to be discovered in the field by Donna when she finally woke up. Neither of these stories worked for me so I returned my spray paint to the storeroom and got a knife to cut the cow loose. As I approached the cow I realized all it’s buddies had left. It was still scared and trapped but it was amazingly still when I reached out to cut the rope. The second it was free, it ran away into the neighbor’s yard. I backed away and the cow ran back through the fence and disappeared into the night. So much for that idea! But have more ideas on how to trap a cow! We’ll see.
I went back to bed but still worried through an uneasy sleep, dreaming about the cows busting into our tasty smorgasbord of a yard.