The medication in this ad
I’m sure will certainly help
Ask your doctor if it’s right for you
Just a couple of things
You might consider
Some side effects
just might include:
frequent urge to urinate
bloody or cloudy urine
difficult, or painful urination…
And even burning,
general feeling of illness
or discomfort from within
Blistering, scaling, peeling,
or loosening of the skin
sores, ulcers, or white spots,
in the mouth or on the lips
muscle spasm or jerking
of the arms, the legs, the hips
irregular heartbeat
fast, pulse pounding,
Large red . skin lesions,
often with a purple center
unusual tiredness, weakness
lower back .. or side pain
Chills, coughing, diarrhea
loss of appetite, or fever,
aches and pains of muscles
headache, nausea, shivering,
runny nose, sore throat, sweating,
or dark urine
difficulty breathing
difficulty speaking
difficulty swallowing
and even trouble sleeping
seeing, hearing, or feeling things
that . are . not . there
double vision, or itching,
A sudden loss of hair
chest pain, Bladder pain
vomiting, confusion
dizz i ness,
inability to speak
inability to move the arms,
legs, or facial muscles
unusually tired or weak
seizures, slow speech
muscle cramps
in legs or thighs
discomfort in arms, jaw,
back, or neck
red, irritated eyes
sudden loss of consciousness
swelling of lower legs or feet
repeated movements
uncontrolled tics
repeated movements
uncontrolled tics
repeated movements
uncontrolled tics
repeated movements
uncontrolled tics
loss of bladder
loss of bladder
loss of bladder control
tightness in the chest
uncontrolled vocal outbursts
large, hive-like swelling
on the face,
eyelids, lips, tongue,
throat, hands, legs, and feet,
or genitals
Other than that
We’re sure
Everything will be just fine
Everything will be just fine
Everything will be just fine
TV Medicine Ads
If you watch any TV, at some point, you will see an advertisement for a pharmaceutical drug to help with an ailment. The ads always show a montage of couples or families enjoying life together, laughing, riding bikes, or having a nice meal. As this montage of happiness is candy for the eyes, the narrator lists a litany of potential side effects that this miraculous drug may cause. Often the list is longer than the main part of the ad content. “Ask your doctor if (insert drug name here) is right for you!”
I Googled “potential side effects” and wrote many of them down. I then took them, pretty much in the order I read them, and made this song about them. I also made a video for the song. Enjoy!

- Tracks
- Description
“Arthritica” is the greatest "Rust Metal" band in the entire universe! Catch them on tour at nursing homes across the country. Turn off your hearing aids, and you can still hear them as they rock out some of their unique jams.
Ask your doctor if Rust Metal is right for you. Potential side effects may include; soreness from dancing, occasional mosh pit injuries, additional loss of hearing, and too much fun.