November 10, 2020

We were visting with someone and they suggested we go see an art show at a gallery in town.
I drove a car to it.
It was a big car like a Cadillac.
Then it turned out to be a little red sports car.
I had trouble parking it.
I had to reposition it better between the lines
Some kids were playing around it and even under it.
I got it parked on a slight incline.
It rolled down the incline almost hit another car.
I pushed it back up and put on the emergency brake,
but it was slipping so I went into an apartment building where a young black lady was cooking tea on a fire with bricks around.
I asked if I could borrow a brick and that I would bring it back after the show.
She said yes, that she was a musician just visiting her mother.
I told her I was a musician too and would bring her my card later.
I went back out and all the cars had been towed off.
I went into the gallery reception.
I was mumbling “What the fuck!”
One guy said it was the veterans, this is how they made their money.
He said, “Come on let’s go see the show, Hi I’m Eddie”
We started to shake hands but then both caught ourselves and laughing said, “Covid”
A clear frisbee was upside-down on the floor.
Eddie picked it up and tossed it about 3 feet where it spun around for a second
We weren’t sure if it was part of the show since there was a similar clear glass bowl nearby along with some colorful glass pieces, bowls, arty bowls, other strange shapes. drizzles of color.
One exhibit had little hand-carved people, I said I had seen his work before, saw the name, and corrected myself, “her work”
Eddie and I talked about his brother and showed me a little book for notes and hand made pencil his brother made him.
As we walked further into the show, the pieces would be in smaller rooms that appeared to be fresh laid, green tile floor to ceiling. Many little rooms were empty
One room had a sculpture with an animatronic face.
It asked, “What’s your name?”
I said, “Lance”
“Nice to meet you LANCE. Where are you from LANCE”
It was a bot designed to interact with the visitor.
I left the bot and wandered around the rooms
I looked out the back door and saw a field where three young men dressed in a sudo, homemade tribal outfits were casing some animals in a field
One was right up on an animal and threw his spear which hit its target
A dog came leaping out of the grass with the spear through its left hindquarters
They all cheered.
I said mockingly, “Oooo big brave men hunting pet dogs!”
They pulled an arrow out, strung it onto the bow, and was pointing it at me.
I went back inside
Eddie and I got separated somewhere along the way but I heard someone in a room and opened the door.
A man turned to me and sneezed, I got back out quickly.
I continued to go through the green tile hallways, little rooms
Some doors were closed and were offices
Suddenly I turned and the 3 hunters were coming towards me whooping.
I ran out the front into the sparse crowd hoping for cover
They ran after me
I ran out the front towards the beach
They had war-painted faces
One threw a knife that missed me
Then he threw some other stuff
I had a screwdriver and charged back towards him.
The one with the arrows strung his bow
I turned and yelled “NO! STOP!”
Everything froze.
I looked around at all the frozen people.
I woke up.