11, May 2021

I walked into the office with my form and handed it to the lady behind the counter. “Have a seat. We’ll call you”. I sat and waited. After a while I was called into an office, a few questions, and shortly after was hired. The office was like any other with people doing this and that and chatting with each other.
Lunchtime I had enough money to buy friture, French fries in a paper cone. Eating out under a tree, I saw a young couple frantically looking for something. That’s when I noticed something near my feet. It was a couple of tickets. I asked them what they were looking for and they told me they had somehow lost their tickets. I asked them their names. They told me and there on the tickets were the same names they had said so I gave them the tickets. They were so happy.
Back to work, I was called into the office where they offered me a position in another country. (I don’t remember which country but it started with “C” and it wasn’t Croatia.) Why not? Not ambassador but a nice position.
As I left work I ran into one of the main guys that hired me. He said, “See! I told you it would work out well for you here. It’s a casual position so you won’t have to buy a ‘James Bond’ suit or anything.”
I waited to be picked up when I noticed the “Purple Van” parked up the hill. She must have left it for me. It was open. “That’s unusual,” I thought to myself. I get in and find the keys but notice a strange sound under the van. Water? I look under and see a loose radiator hose and water pooled up and running in a stream down the hill. “Shit! I better fix that!”
I wake up, get a drink of water and go back to bed.