Eilat had been on our minds for a while. Mike’s Place had been good, and while there was a possibility to play there again, the next weeks would be too soon. The town of Eilat seemed to be where we should go and check out another potential gig. Someone had told us about a place…
Category: Travel
Travel stories
(57) Music in Jerusalem
It was a lovely late afternoon or early evening, a little cloudy and cool but still quite pleasant. A perfect evening for music.
(56) Meditative Music
The gentle strumming of the guitar and sporadic plinks of the hammer dulcimer was like a massaging of the soul. Meditative Music.
(55) Edna’s Garden
Edna was a little unusual. Her idea of gardening was unique. She had planted small plastic bags in the soil, hoping they would multiply and grow more. I composed a new guitar piece in this chaotic garden with more chaos inside.
(24) Origins of the Magic Rainstick
This is the story of how Donna received her Magic Rainstick from a young man in exchange for a crystal.
(54) Jerusalem’s Old City
We walked down the narrow labyrinthine streets of the Old City. Many were lined with small shops selling anything they could.
(53) Lifta
We decided to go to Jerusalem without knowing for sure where we would stay. Having heard that some of the Rainbow family had encamped outside the city at an abandoned village named Lifta, we decided to go there.
(52) The Visitor
One afternoon a car pulled up to the gate, and a man dressed as a Russian Orthodox priest wearing a robe and kamilavkas, a clerical headdress, stepped out of the passenger side. The car quickly backed down the entrance drive leaving the priest behind. He walked to the gate and asked, “Is this the Rainbow?”
(51) Making of a Circus
The Factory We rode down to Eilat with Peter, Karen, baby Jade, and a few others in their “Blue Whale” 508 Mercedes. The place we were directed to organize the circus was owned by a nice couple, Harvey and Mimi, who hoped to build a community there. It was a huge cement structure that could…
(50) A Magical Land
The next thing that happened will sound like I’m making it up, but it did happen, just as I’m saying. Blessed or cursed, I hear music in my mind. It’s not like humming a melody to myself, but more like a full-blown production with detailed instrumentation, as if I am wearing loud earbuds. It seldom stops…