I went to see my doctor
‘Cause I just can’t sleep at night
I hobble to the bathroom
On my legs that seize up tight
My prostate’s much too large
So I dribble what I can
Stand up close and hope the best
I hope you understand
Getting old ain’t for sissies
It’s more challenging every day
The aches and pains that we endure
Just never go away
When I was young we used to wish
To die before we got old
But here we are still rocking hard
these years they say are gold
If I could see
I’d be looking death right in the eye
I’ve got no wind
How’d I live so long I could ask why
I’m wearing out
If I had the answer I might forget
still I ain’t ready to check out yet
But Now I’m Old
I’m Freaking Old
How’d I get this Old?
I use a walker
just get from here to there
I once kept up appearances
But now I just don’t care
Food no longer tastes good
And the room is always cold
I’m losing all my memories
Of the stories I once told
Getting old ain’t for sissies
It’s more challenging every day
The aches and pains that we endure
Just never go away
If I could see
I would be looking death right in the eye
I’ve got no wind
might bring relief if I should die
I’m in pain so often, I forget
still, I ain’t ready to check out yet
But, I’m Freaking Old
Getting Old
Age apparently just creeps up on you, and before you know it, you are called sir or ma’am. The liquor store no longer asks you for an id to prove your age. Your body aches, and you start to get little medical problems. You never used to have to take medications to make your body work correctly. People in their young adult years begin to look like children, and you wonder, are they really old enough to drive? You begin to lose your hair, but grow hair in places you never did before. The strange thing is that people still feel like they are young inside. They say getting old ain’t for sissies, but you have to admit, it beats the alternative. “I ain’t ready to check out yet!”

- Tracks
- Description
“Arthritica” is the greatest "Rust Metal" band in the entire universe! Catch them on tour at nursing homes across the country. Turn off your hearing aids, and you can still hear them as they rock out some of their unique jams.
Ask your doctor if Rust Metal is right for you. Potential side effects may include; soreness from dancing, occasional mosh pit injuries, additional loss of hearing, and too much fun.