Bad water in the well
Not much wood out the back
And I’m rattle-tooth cold
In this stack stone shack
No jingle in my pocket
My shoes are wearin’ thin
My next meal is coming
but I don’t know when
If I just had me a woman
keep me warm at night
Some sweet little mama
would make everything all right
I could do the cooking
I could even clean
And I swear, I swear, I swear
I’d never treat her mean
Well there’s only one
depression in my bed
It’s a big one
Lordy, It fills up my head
Maybe when winter’s over
and the work returns
I’ll be like a millionaire
with money to burn!
But, there’s bad water…
At one point, while we were living in our camping car and touring around France, we were hanging around La Rochelle. In particular Garibaldi Pub, owned by our special friend, Illaria whom we love dearly. She also had a property out in the Marais in a little village named La Taillée. It was a ruin but had ‘promise’ of being fixed up. (this photo is actually after it was fixed up… a lot) She offered it to us to stay there for free in exchange for putting in some work on it. It really was a ruin and a bit more than we could handle, but we gave it a try. We found the well out back was no good tainted with black water. The only wood available were old palettes which were no good for the furnace. We still lived in our camping car. This song was written for this place.
My goodness 3 versions!
Acoustic w/ Donna
Studio w/ the band
Live w/ the band