5 May, 2022 I’m in a field, a few scattered trees next to a river. Cows all around. I’m with Donna A boy throws a hatchet. He’s hunting rabbits. He misses. Water splashes. I try and water sprays up from the ground where the hatchet hit. Soon the field is flooding as if we poked…
Author: Lance Harrison
May 2, 2022 Everybody is dressed in white, not bright white but more eggshell white. Some are playing something similar to baseball. Some people are relaxing. One man is dressed in blue, and some people try to avoid him, like “hide and seek.” I’m spying on him but avoiding being seen. A ball rolls my…
(46) Taking Off, Again
October arrived, and we received our visas for India. Excitedly, we piled into Shannon’s car, and she drove us to Dulles Airport in Washington, DC. She dropped us off at the terminal and waited in the parking to ensure we could get a standby flight.
(45) Tipis in Munich
When we arrived in Munich, the sun was soon to set. We made it to the tipi village with enough time to set up our tent in a good spot.
(44)The Children!
With our impromptu Rainbow Gathering moved from the police parking lot to a field behind the police station, we continued to show our support loudly.
(43) Food Circle & Homestead
By the time the Gathering peaked, more than 3000 people were attending the food circle.
(42) My Rainbow Gathering Birthday
The International Rainbow Gatherings tend to happen over July, my birthday month. Most people can take some vacation time around then. For other Rainbow travelers, it doesn’t matter when it is because their life is Rainbow all the time.
(41) Rainbow Gathering Arrival
’94 Rainbow Gathering, Dragonia Valley, Slovenia
(40) Trucking, Tunnel, & Squat
The borders had opened for all to pass freely between the European countries. With this in mind, we had to search for someone to stamp our passports. We knocked on the windows of the offices. “That’s not necessary anymore. You may pass,” the guard told us. We explained that as this was our only chance…
(39) Olive oil & Illness
Sometimes a ride just comes, and sometimes you must wait for the right one to finally arrive. Synchronization of the serendipitous moment. This time we had to wait. It’s not like this was the busiest highway.