I’m at a University
Not sure if I’m just visiting or a student there
I’m walking by the science department
A fraternity is throwing a party
There is a contest and the prize is a all expense paid dinner at this very ritzy restaurant.
I know the teacher who says, “I know you aren’t part of this fraternity, but you might as well win this dinner. Just catch and don’t drop one of these greased rubber dildos.”
Now I’m in a dry pool with jagged rocks in the bottom with several other people
They start throwing the dildos.
Everybody is laughing.
One falls near me, hits a rock, and explodes as it breaks open and wallpaper paste splatters my leg.
I was assured that it wasn’t really sperm.
They tossed lots of these into the pool at people.
I caught the next one that made its way towards me.
It was very slippery but I didn’t drop it, winning the free dinner.
I wake up
Living in a clearing in a forrest
Trying to figure out what pants to wear as I search through the closet
Father figure says, “Not your new plaid pants, they’re too warm.”
“But my parachute pants are ripping out in the seams”
Across the dirt road,
Group of kids throwing firecrackers into the forrest.
The woman with them steps into the smoke and comes floating out
I think, that’s cool! How did she float like that?
I look down at the mess of clothes and think, Donna won’t like this and start to straighten it up.
I see a blue balloon with a protruding face and remember I had done that but couldn’t remember how.
I woke up
Donna stressed from taxes
She went to see a psychologist
He said it was normal, not to stress about it.
We went to his church with rocking chairs.
They were all watching a preacher on TV
He wasn’t really preaching and never mentioned anything religious.
We were relieved.
I woke up